Do YOU need a coach??

Shameless, I know…. but do you??

Let’s find out by answering a few questions –

  • Are you frustrated because no matter what you do you can’t seem to lose weight?
  • Do you feel like you are eating right, but still can’t get the scale to budge?
  • Are you confused and not really sure what to do or how to begin?
  • Do you feel stuck by the amount of work it will take?
  • Do you feel like you’re doing everything the “industry” is telling you to do, and you still can’t seem to get it done?

If the answer is yes to any of the above you may benefit from working with a Coach or more specifically me 🙂

Why Hire a Coach?

People hire a coach because they want positive results in their lives, which for one reason or another they aren’t able to accomplish on their own. Why am I bringing this up now?  Well – there seems to be a mass panic going on out there now that the time to get in shape for summer is tick, tick, ticking away. The fear for most… Is there enough time? The answer is yes, there is time if you get started now!

Another fear –

Can I do it this year? Well I don’t know, can you? Are you doing anything differently than you have in previous years?

With all these fears people sometimes think it’s impossible to reach their goals… Believe me; it’s possible with THE RIGHT PLAN. I’m here to help you create that plan as well as encourage and guide the best within you.  Coaching can be a powerful resource if you’re open to it – sometimes all you need is a little tough love …

Those of you who know me and have worked with me know that I come to the table with an open mind and have the skills to make things happen! It’s my job to find out what makes you tick, discover what you truly want to change, and work towards making those changes happen.

You will leave each session with “homework” that will help you move forward with whatever it is you are working on. Part of my job is to cheer you on and help you push past what may be getting in the way of your success. If you ask my clients they will tell you that my coaching has brought them personal satisfaction, success, and a deep sense of achievement. They were able to get excited and feel energized by each small success, which helped them to keep moving forward.

Here are some kind words from a few lovely ladies I worked with –

From Pauline – …… I have been touched by LeeAnne’s kindness here on the forum and have been so impressed with her RCR fitness results as well, that I recently contacted her to see if I could work with her. We set up a time to talk by phone and during that first session she was able to offer me some great tools, suggestions and advice that I was able to put into action immediately. With all the craziness that is going on in my life right now, she was able to help me find ways to stay focused and feel more in control of my life. I now have a daily action plan and I am able to stick to it 90 – 95% of the time. I am working towards 100%, bu t baby steps are ok for now.

I feel very positive that this will become the norm and not the exception for my life, as I noticed that the two days I did stray from my plan I was very unsettled. I went back over everything LeeAnne and I had talked about and was able to get right back on track again. If any of you are considering a Life Coach, I would highly recommend LeeAnne!

Thank you for everything LeeAnne!

From Jigna –I want to thank you LeeAnne and Mark for helping me work toward my goal of getting back into shape after pregnancy. I have gained knowledge of super foods which helped me maintain a healthier diet. I received constant support and motivation from LeeAnne and Mark, when I needed it the most. I had been going to gym during my lunch hours and working out for a long time, but did not accomplish much. After having few one on one session with Mark, I am now able to work out very effectively and properly during my lunch hours. It has been a great experience working with Mark and LeeAnne.  I have learned a great deal and lost about 14 lbs and 6.5 inches in about couple months. I highly recommend working with Mark and LeeAnne if you are serious about getting in shape.

From Marcia – My own personal cheerleader! LeeAnne has given me so many wonderful resources to assist me in making better choices for my long term health and fitness goals.  I am always taking care of others and put myself last, but with LeeAnne’s encouragement I now make myself a priority and have taken back charge of my own health & fitness.  It’s been a lifestyle change and even my husband and young children are seeing the results of a happier inner strength and positive physical changes.  I’ve still got a ways to go with the weight loss part, but I’m positive that I will meet my goals.

I’ve spent most of my life struggling with weight.  I grew up with unhealthy eating habits, most of my family is obese and I’ve always been an emotional eater.  LeeAnne’s “Coaching for Health and Fitness Journal” has so many great tools to help me with my journey.  I have personally found success with setting smaller and more realistic goals (i.e. eat breakfast, drink water every hour or move my body at least 30 minutes 6 times a week), planning my meals so there are no surprises, and being accountable for everything that goes in my mouth.  She checks in with me and helps me realize where I’m struggling and encourages me to stay positive and get back on track.  I especially enjoy her inspirational quotes that give me daily encouragement that “I’m worth it!”

The combination of great workouts and exercise advice from my awesome personal trainer (her husband Mark) and LeeAnne’s wonderful encouragement/life coaching advice, I have two great cheerleaders routing for me.

From Lisa – When I came to LeeAnne, I was stalled in my food and fitness life. I knew what I should be doing…I just wasn’t doing it. LeeAnne was such a positive force for me—a real motivator and cheerleader.  But not only that, she was a strategizer: Each week, she helped me look objectively at what was working and what wasn’t, then come up with a plan moving forward to keep me going. All along the way, she shared her personal experiences with me, which I found to be inspiring. She helped me to see that even for people in as great shape as she is, sometimes the road isn’t easy! But even when it’s not easy, planning can get you through it. I would absolutely recommend LeeAnne for anyone looking to take themselves and their food and fitness to a new level.

I LOVE these ladies…. and am happy to report, they are still using the tools I’ve given then to help them stay on track – which can help you as well.

What do I need from you?? A four week commitment, and maybe 4-5 hours of your time total. We can chat via the phone or in your home or mine (if you’re in the area of course). Once it clicks, it clicks and you are on your way….

For the month of May I am running a 4 week special, which is 4 weeks for only $100.00

I’m here for you and I want to see you succeed!

Please email me with any questions or to set up your first appointment @ I am super excited to work with you!!

Oh and by the way – I lost two pounds this week!!

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