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Are you ready to reclaim the best version of yourself?

Are you tired of feeling tired? Want to tone up and re-define your life?

If you’ve ever asked yourself


  • Why can’t I stay on track? 
  • Why don’t I have better self-control?
  • Why can’t I see any progress in the gym?
  • Why can’t I feel my best?


 “I just can’t do it, so why bother….?”

 Trust me, I feel your pain


And, you’re not alone…


Do you beat yourself up because you just can’t seem to follow through or stay on track with diet programs?

I’ve been there and have done ALL of that.

I beat myself up to no end, killed my self-confidence and my self-esteem. My self-talk was horrendous…I said things like.


  • You’re not good enough 
  • Pretty enough 
  • Sexy enough
  • No one will ever want you with that body
  • Look at that cellulite on those flabby fat thighs

Sound familiar?

I could barely look people in the eye and at times, I couldn’t even look in the mirror. 

Summertime became my worst nightmare. I didn’t want to wear shorts, and I definitely didn’t want to wear a bikini. 

I wouldn’t even get off the beach chair without a cover-up on, I was too embarrassed.  

I never felt I looked good enough to walk around in my bathing suit.  

I constantly wore long skirts and maxi dresses, anything to cover up my body. 

I felt horrible. My self-worth was at an all-time low.

And then I started to work out, I ate the right food, did everything I was “supposed” to do to get back in shape.

I started and stopped at least 100 hundred times. I’d fall off-track and blame myself over and over.

I thought I was doing everything right.

I put everyone and everything before myself. I always started off strong and with the best intentions, but it would eventually go downhill from there.        

 I kept failing for years at putting my health and fitness first.


So what was The Problem?

I couldn’t stop comparing myself to other women.

For years I was struggling with what the “perfect” woman was supposed to look like. 

The media created this perfect image of what women should look like.

Through my research I found some pretty amazing stats….most models are 98% thinner than a majority of American girls and women – 98%! 

I found my biggest problem and the mindset that I had to overcome was the negative impact the media had on my body image. 

We are constantly bombarded with these images. On TV, in magazines, on the movie screen.

I’m guessing that like me, you’ve also compared yourself to these UNREALISTIC images?

These models spend hours in the hair and makeup chair. Their images enhanced by lighting and their photographs airbrushed to remove every imperfection.

It’s all “smoke and mirrors”.

No wonder I felt the way I did – unattractive, unsexy – basically unwanted by society and by myself.


Then came the Ah-Ha Moment!

When I came to that realization, my mindset changed dramatically, and everything started to fall in place. 

Once I decided to put myself first and was able to keep my eye on the prize, and stay focused,


  • I started seeing results, which kept me motivated. 
  • I noticed my strength and my endurance increasing, which allowed me to do the physical things I hadn’t been able to do for a long time. Things I forgot I loved; things that use to light me up. 
  • Finally, I started to see changes to my body, and feel my clothes getting looser.


Much to my surprise 4 months later, I had dropped 17 lbs and almost 20 inches!!! Not too bad for a 50-year-old, menopausal woma

 What I Learned During My Journey.

I discovered the things that were holding me back. The missing pieces to the formula, the things that were preventing me from losing weight and getting the best body I could have at my current age.


            I discovered these things were BEYOND what I was doing. 


I discovered:

  • Unconscious habits that were sabotaging my results
  • A Diet Plan that was custom designed for me and my personal habits and needs
  • The best type of exercise to help me burn the most calories with minimal effort.
  • The importance of having a plan and being consistent.
  • How self-love and appreciation played a HUGE part in my weight loss
  • And that I needed someone to motivated, encouraged, and helped me find a way to break through the roadblocks (which will happen!) AND kept me accountable.






At age 50 I was able to get into amazing shape without killing myself!


Redefining myself in my 50’s

After getting myself fit at 50, I decided to be sexy at 60.


As I age and my looks are starting to fade – sexy has taken on a whole new meaning 


Sexy is being a mature confident woman – an ageless beauty who embraces all her perceived flaws,


A woman who loves herself enough to know that she doesn’t need anyone to make her happy.


A woman who takes care of her body, eats healthy and exercises.


A woman who embraces her friends, has fun, laughs, is spontaneous and has a real zest for life.


And, these feelings are so freeing, THIS is how I intend to live the rest of my life to the fullest!



Just imagine….  

Re-defining, re-shaping, and re-energizing your life.

No matter what age you are.

No matter how unmotivated you might feel.

No matter how many setbacks you’ve encountered.

All of this is absolutely possible.

Don’t let society tell you you’re too old or out of shape

You CAN have the body and life you desire.



Are you ready to get back into the best shape of your life? AND feel incredible while doing it?


I want to introduce you to Body Transformation 101: A customized program that is beyond just diet and exercise…


Welcome – I’m LeeAnne Hebert, a Certified Life Coach, specializing in Health and Fitness.

I have been a health and fitness enthusiast for many years and bring a wealth of human understanding and compassion to my program.



I have cultivated this unique program specifically for women 50 and up who are ready to step up and take back control of their health and fitness.



My goal is to help you make lasting lifestyle changes that will help you to become the best version of yourself again.




How will I do this?


I will help you uncover and conquer what is holding you back from reaching your health and fitness goals.


Together we will brain-storm, problem-solve, and work toward finding solutions to move you forward.


As your biggest cheerleader, I will be there for you every step of the way – why? Because I know you can do this!


And after we have uncovered the root-issues I will create a personalized plan that is tailored to your exact needs, not only physically but mentally as well.



This is your chance to decide that you’ve had enough.


Enough of starting a program you never finish.

Enough of spending money on a gym membership that you never use.

Enough of hating yourself because you feel you lack the willpower to get the job done.


This is your chance to commit to doing something for yourself and to succeed at it with me by your side every step of the way.

I’ve been in your shoes and know how hard reaching your goals is without having a cheerleader in your corner.

Knowledge is power – Isn’t it time you took your power back?


Isn’t it time you put a little SPARKLE back into your life!

It’s all within your reach if you want it…. Do you want it?


Say YES if you’re ready for change…


Check out what Some of my clients had to say….

“LeeAnne has given me so many wonderful resources to assist me in making better choices for my long-term health and fitness goals. I am always taking care of others and putting myself last, but with LeeAnne’s encouragement I now make myself a priority and have taken back charge of my own health & fitness.”   ~Marcia

“Working with Lee Anne Hebert was an exceptional and delightful experience.  She is a very insightful and intuitive person.  I looked forward to each meeting to hear her thoughts and encouragement.  I came to Lee Anne at a time in my life where I needed to make some major changes and chart a new course.  She helped me see things in a different light so I could forge ahead on my new journey.  I’m so thankful for that!  Working with a life coach was a new experience for me.  It was exciting and life changing in such a positive way.  If you are considering this, I’d say jump in – you won’t regret it.” ~ Bev

“ I have been touched by LeeAnne’s kindness and have been so impressed with her fitness results as well, that I recently contacted her to see if I could work with her. We set up a time to talk by phone and during that first session she was able to offer me some great tools, suggestions and advice that I was able to put into action immediately. With all the craziness that is going on in my life right now, she was able to help me find ways to stay focused and feel more in control of my life. I now have a daily action plan and I am able to stick to it 90 – 95% of the time. I am working 100%, but baby steps are ok for now.

I feel very positive that this will become the norm and not the exception for my life, as I noticed that the two days I did stray from my plan I was very unsettled. I went back over everything LeeAnne and I had talked about and was able to get right back on track again. If any of you are considering a Life Coach, I would highly recommend LeeAnne!”
Thank you for everything LeeAnne!
XOXO Pauline