Search results for "scale"

Screw the scale – again!

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Screw the Scale!!

Wait. what?? Did I just say that ???  ahhhh Yup I think I did – hmmm… (fingers tapping, fingers tapping, fingers tapping……) Oh alright, I’ll share   This week I was on track to hit a 5 lb loss in just two weeks and I missed it. I had a  2.2 lb weight loss last week and on Wednesday of this week, […]

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You can’t out train a bad diet!

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8 Tips to get Fit! Week 3 – Portion Control

So far we have covered water and the importance of planning. As I mentioned in week 1 your water intake should be about 1/2 your body weight in oz… I’m currently on track – yea! In week 2, we discussed planning and planning is huge… if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I have […]

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DOWN 25lbs!

Yup – you heard me right! Down 25 lbs from Jan 1st of this year!! Wow! and the best part is … I didn’t really kill myself doing it. I mean a few mini challenges here and there, but nothing like in the past. I’ve written other blogs on putting yourself first, self-appreciation, loving yourself, […]

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