Screw the Scale!!

Wait. what?? Did I just say that ??? 

ahhhh Yup I think I did – hmmm… (fingers tapping, fingers tapping, fingers tapping……)

Oh alright, I’ll share Wink  This week I was on track to hit a 5 lb loss in just two weeks and I missed it. I had a  2.2 lb weight loss last week and on Wednesday of this week, I was down another 2.2lbs.  I only had another .6  lbs to go and 3 full days to do it in. This should have been easy right? NOT!  So what the heck happened?  Well, first there was the ice cream social at work on Wednesday, which I DECIDED to participate in (the beginning of the end), then I had two Mary Kay parties, One on Thursday and One on Friday  – ugh…. chips and salsa and some cheese and crackers – not horrible, but still not on my plan…. Last night at my party I just had a few pieces of fruit, but some of it was dipped in chocolate and YES – it was delicious. Oh, did I forget to mention the piece of cake at work ?? I don’t even like cake…. not sure what that was all about…..Honestly – if I avoided the ice cream I may have been able to stay the course – once that sugar got in my system – well, you saw what happened.  Lucky for me my friend the tape measure gave me hope. It said regardless of the mess you got into at the end of last week you are down ONE full inch in your mid waist, 1/2 inch on your hips and 1/2 inch on each thigh for a total loss of 2.5 inches!! Have I mentioned how much I love my tape measure… So regardless of not hitting my “number” I am not going to sweat it. Honestly my food for the entire week was about  80 percent clean and my workouts were spot on. As of today I’m right back on track. I’ve already taken Miss Chula for a run, and had my egg whites, green beans and some leftover fruit for breakfast – without the chocolate of course. 

My point in all of this, and yes I do have one – is that the scale is only one of many tools we can use to track our success in our health and fitness goals. It is also for some strange reason the one that holds the most importance to us, but is probably the one that is the least accurate. Huh?  What I’m saying is that our body weight is influenced by a number of things – for instance… chip/salsa, cheese and crackers all contain salt, which can cause our body to hold water – did I really think I put on 1.5 lbs of fat in 3 days??  I would have had to consume an additional Five thousand-two hundred and fifty calories and I don’t think my little indulgences added up to that do you?  The tape measure and body fat analysis are probably the best ways to measure your weight loss success – In my opinion our goal should be to lose “fat lbs” and build lean muscle.  The best way to truly transform your body is by lifting moderate weights and doing interval training. This combination will help us burn fat even at rest – which in turn will tighten up our body and make us look and feel leaner…. and here is the kicker – ready?? Because muscle weighs more than fat you can actually go from and size 10 to a size 8 pair of jeans and be the same weight – and honestly do you care at this point – I mean you’re in a pair of SIZE 8 JEANS!!

Ok – that is my little rant for the day… and if you want to follow my personal health and fitness journey, check out my new fan page – here is the link…..




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