The smoking experiment – REALLY?

no smokingOMG what was I thinking – Miss Health and Fitness picking up cigarettes after 30 years! I know! I’m shocked and appalled too!! The good news is I stopped.

So here is what I found after just 30 days of smoking… At first – I liked it – kinda go high off it. Then I noticed my voice started to change. It started to get lower and kind of raspy. Then I noticed my eating habits got off track and my water consumption was out the window… as of right now it’s 20 after 3 and I have not had any water all day! Usually I have about 60 oz minimum by now. Then I noticed I started to look and feel tired. Ladies not a beauty enhancer in any way shape or form ;-). Now I’m noticing my heart feels like it’s racing every time I smoke and lastly – everything I eat is starting to taste like guano (bat shit). Oh and the obvi – shortness of breath and being just plain stinky all the time – super, super sexy right?

I knew this was not a career move – was just bored. So here is what else I found out….

The Good News!

I viewed a slide show called ” What happens when you quite” by Elijah Wolfson and here is the good news if you smoke and quite.

20 minutes after your last cigarette your heart rate will start to drop – try it – it’s true.

2 hours after your last cigarette your heart rate and blood pressure will decrease to normal levels. Your circulation will also start to improve with your finger and toe tips starting to feel warm… I did notice my fingertips were cooler than the rest of my hands. Also this is when withdrawals start – intense cravings, anxiety, tension, frustration, drowsiness or trouble sleeping and an increase in appetite

12 hours after your last cigarette – Carbon Monoxide, which can be toxic to the body at high levels is released from burning tobacco and inhaled as part of the cigarette. Because carbon monoxide bonds so well with blood cells, high levels of the substance and prevent these cells from bonding to oxygen. This in turn can cause serious cardiovascular problems. In just 12 hours the carbon monoxide in your body decreased and your oxygen levels increase to normal – AMAZING!

24 hours after your last cigarette – The heart attack rate for smokers is 70% higher than for non smokers. After 1 full day of not smoking your risk for heart attack will have already begun to drop.

48 hours after your last cigarette – Smoking deadens your senses, especially your taste and smell. After 48 hours your nerve endings will start to re-grow and your ability to smell and taste will be enhanced – no more eating guano!

3 days after your last cigarette – At this point the nicotine will be completely out of your system – unfortunately, this is when your may experience nicotine withdrawals like headaches, nausea and cramps. This usually stops after two weeks.

2-3 weeks after your last cigarette – You’ll be able to exercise without feeling winded or sick. This is due to a number of regenerative processes that will occur in your body. Circulation and lung functions specifically. Gosh the body is an amazing thing isn’t it?

1-9 months after your last cigarette – your lungs start to repair themselves after about 30 days. Inside them are tiny hair-like organisms called cilia that push mucus out. No more Phlegm balls – yuck! This will help reduce your risk of lung infection and your coughing and shortness of breath will decrease dramatically. The heaviest of smokers (not me – TG) may experience some of the above symptoms for several months. Hey 20 miles in the woods, means 20 miles out.

5 years after your last cigarette – Carbon monoxide had caused your blood vessels to shrink which increases your change of stroke. 5 – 15 years of being smoke free gets you the same risk of having a stroke as a non-smoker.

10 years after your last cigarette – smoking accounts for 90% or lung cancer deaths worldwide. It may take 10 years, but quitting drops your risk of dying from lung cancer by 50%. I’ve seen this – it is not pretty.

15 years after your last cigarette – You are back baby! you are pretty much back to the same risks as a non-smoker as far as heart attacks, coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, angina and infections of the heart and lungs….

The Bad News………


Smoking has numerous immediate health effects on the brain and the respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, immune and metabolic system. While these immediate effects do not all produce noticeable symptoms, it begin to damage the body with the first cigarette – sometimes irreversibly – and rapid produce serious medical conditions and health consequences – YIKES!

Many believe that experimenting with smoking or even casual use will not lead to serious dependency. Symptoms of additions can appear within weeks or days after occasional smoking first begins.

Immediate results on the brain:
1. Increased stress – smoking does not relieve stress! Studies have shown that on an average, smokers have higher levels of stress than non-smokers. The feelings of relaxing that smokers experience is due to satisfying the craving… Just like any other addiction.

2. Alters brain chemistry – smoker’s brain cells – specifically the receptors have been shown to have fewer dopamine receptors. Ummm dopamine is good. There is an initial dopamine activity from nicotine results in pleasant feelings for the smoker, but the subsequent decrease leave the smoker craving more cigarettes – again, like any other addiction.

3. Immediate results on your breathing:

– Bronchospasms – wheezing
– Increased Phlegm – yuck. The lungs produce mucus to trap chemical and toxic substances.
– Persistent cough – Coughing is the body’s natural response to clear irritants from the lungs.
– Decreased physical performance – When the body is stressed, by physical activity it requires more oxygen to be delivered to the muscles. The combination of the above obstructs and decreases lung function. Smoking not only limits one’s current state of fitness, but can also restrict future physical potential.

3. Rapid Effect on the metabolic system – those of you who watch your weight know how important it is to have your metabolism in check –
– Smoking interferes with the absorption of a number micronutrients including vitamins C, E and folic acid. Lack of vitamin C can lead to depression, inflamed gums; poor wound healing and uncontrolled bleeding. Vitamin E deficiency may cause blood breakdown, eye disease and irreversible nerve problems with your hand, feet and spinal cord. Folic acid may result in long-lasting anemia, diarrhea and tongue swelling. Super fun right?

For more information on the Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal and Immune system check out the link above.

WOW! I have no idea why people smoke – I didn’t like it before I picked up again and now I REALLY don’t like it.

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