Time to take care of YOU!

walkawayThis may seem like a very bizarre blog, but it happens to be where I am in my life right now, and some of you may be as well so of course, I had to share 😉 . Have you ever noticed that people come into your life when you need them most? I mean complete strangers?? I’m beginning to believe that each person we come in contact with throughout our lives are sent to us, to help us work through issues, prepare for the next phase of our journey or to place us on a certain path. It seems to happen time and time again – to me anyway….

Regardless, there comes a time when you’ve gotten what you were intended to get from that person, and it’s time to let them go – sometimes easier said than done.

How do you know if or when it’s time move on? In my personal experience it’s when that relationship starts to become hurtful, draining or more work than it’s worth. Here are some examples…

•Work – perhaps it’s time to move on because your heart just isn’t in it anymore… maybe there are people who make you doubt your self-worth, or make your day miserable. Perhaps you have an employee that is causing you grief or ruining your good name and you just deal with it hoping things will get better – soon.

•“Friendship”…. Friendship is tricky – most successful friendships are nurturing, and have equal give and take, right? If you feel you’re giving more than you are getting in return or feel used, it can cause hurt feelings as well as feelings of resentment. Of course you might have to question why you continue putting yourself out there, I mean really do you honestly want a friendship you have to work that hard for? Unless you come to terms with the why of it all , you could end up sinking your whole self into trying to make the relationship work and lose your self-identity in the process -hmmm, why does this sound familiar to me (fingers tapping on the table). Of course there is always the “remember when…?” If you find you are living in past memories more than the present ones, that should be a red flag, when the relationship brings you more sadness than joy – red flag, when the same issue comes up over and over again even though you tried addressing it – RED FLAG!

•Personal relationship…. lord knows we could all go on and on with this one…. Everyone has stuff, some stuff you can live with – some stuff you can’t. That my friends is a personal choice. When any relationship holds you back and prevents you from growing as a person, you may want to re-think it….

This is usually where the shi* hits the fan and when you FINALLY have to listen to that internal voice that you can’t seem to ignore anymore because it just seems to be getting louder and louder… You know the voice I’m talking about – we all have it deep down inside and we all know when it’s time to walk away or perhaps, it’s time to run…

If you are one of those people who feel unhappy with your life or feel like you’re always being dealt a shitty hand, or feel taken advantage of or used – it’s time to look deeper. Ask yourself, are you being true to you? Are you trying to be someone or something you’re not just to please someone else? Are you letting yourself be taken advantage of? Is it stressing you out?? If so, stop and tell that person how you feel, perhaps it’s all in your head….

Letting go may be one of the hardest things you do, but may also be the most freeing things you can do, just don’t expect it to be easy. Saying goodbye to someone or something that you’ve poured your heart and soul into is not easy – denial, anger, bartering, sadness, regret will all dance around you before you can accept your loss and move on.watch full Problemos movie online

There are things that we never want to let go of, people we never want to leave behind. But keep in mind that letting go isn’t the end of the world, it’s the beginning of a new life.– Author Unknown

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