Oooops I did it again – week 2…

Hello, hello – I know I promised a fire side chat, but I have no voice today, but here is how this week went…..

Crappy – You’ll have to forgive me while I get off my pity potty, but we all have those kinds of weeks. Not every week is perfect, or goes exactly how you plan it… I’m tired, I’m cranky – a tad sad – I know you can relate right? Work is kicking my butt, some things I thought were going to happen didn’t, etc. etc. But that is OK – sometimes we just need to feel those feelings, reflect and move on…. So, here is to moving on – woooooooooh!

Now here is what went right…. I did stretch each morning which felt AMAZING. I hit a yoga class and the weather has been just nice enough to start taking Miss Chula for her walks…. I forgot how good that makes me feel. As far as water goes, I didn’t get 100 oz in each day but I did get no less than 70 oz …. Oh and remember how I said food wasn’t the devil for me – well, I’ve noticed it has started to be… noticing is a good thing.

This week I will build upon last week – keep up the stretching, keep working on the water, and I’m going to add 3-4 30 min walks on the treadmill before I take Chula out. I always feel better when I move my body and since it does not seem to be happening at work, I need to switch things up. Also – I’m going to go back through Kat Kim’s beauty uprising course and review. I learned a lot about myself working with her – all positive and good – THANK YOU Kat! xoxo

Until next week – xo

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