“Flip the Switch” interview with a 23 year old who never worked out in her life!!

Here is my first interview in a new series I’m doing called “Flip the Switch”. I’ve run across some pretty amazing stories lately that are super inspiring and wanted to share…

First up is a stunning young woman named Taylor who is turning 23 this month and who has never worked out a day in her life – my curiosity got the best of me and I had to ask…

Q: Taylor – Your story is unique in the fact that you’ve never worked out before…. so my question is “what flipped your switch?” What was it that made you to decide to try a workout – and a boot camp of all things?

A: I never worked out before because I never needed to. I have always maintained the same weight while being able to eat anything I wanted. Then I graduated from college and I gained ten pounds. I hate the gym and I don’t know enough about exercising to work out on my own so boot camp was the perfect solution. The other ladies at work had already joined Mark’s particular boot camp and loved it so I decided to give it a try. And drag my mom along with me! 

Q: Why did you wait so long – was there something holding you back?

A: I waited so long to begin working out because I was never athletic, never did any sports, and always considered myself somewhat pathetic when it came to anything physical. I was very nervous of embarrassing myself!

Q: What motivates you to keep coming back?

A: I keep coming back because I love how I feel when I leave. I feel good for doing something to improve my health and well-being. I think it creates a sense of increased confidence.

Q: How do you like it so far?

A: Honestly, I love it… when it’s over. It’s challenging to get through the workout but worth it.

Q: What kind of results are you seeing if any? Are you feeling stronger, more self-confident, etc.

A: The results are both physical and mental. I feel stronger, more confident, and less achy. I was always sore and tired and now I don’t have the desire to sit on the couch all day. I want to get up and do something; it’s a nice feeling. I have my first “two-pack” which doesn’t mean much to some, but I’m proud of it! I also suffer from anxiety and implementing exercise into my routine has helped immensely.

Q: I see you are working out with your mom, how’s that going?

A: I work out with my mom because she’s my best friend but also because I want her to be around as long as possible! We both have never consistently exercised and we decided it was about time we do something about it. No matter how slow we go or how stupid we look – it’s better than doing nothing at all so we feel good about it.

Q: Anything you would like to share with any of the other 20 somethings out there that have never worked out?

A: All I would say is it’s hard to get motivated and start but once you do you won’t want to stop. Joining a smaller workout group helped me a lot because I was less intimidated. The gym can be a scary place if you don’t know what you’re doing so I would recommend getting help and finding someone to tag along with you; you keep each other motivated to keep going!

Wow – Thanks for your time Taylor! You are doing a great job – Mark and I are totally impressed by your commitment and your taking control of yours and your mom’s health and fitness to live longer, healthier lives.

I hope you enjoyed my first interview – I have a few more in my back pocket, that I need to get going on – I hope this may have “flipped your switch” – If so let us know …. xo


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