No Pain – No Gain …. MarkOne Fitness

No pain no gain? That’s how it used to be with “training” to get results, so they said.

Should you be sore after every workout?
Not necessarily.

Over the last several weeks I’ve worked with some potential new clients and some I haven’t seen for a while. The first week is great for me. It’s where I evaluate where my new clients are now and where they want to be 4, 8, and 12 weeks from now. I use this information to set up a complete weight loss plan and then explain exactly how we’re going to get it done.
Many new clients often ask if they will be sore from their workout the next day.

The answer is whenever you change programs you may be slightly sore the next day. After all, there has been some muscle breakdown. We actually need this to occur so that we can rebuild the muscles stronger and shapelier than before.

To set the facts straight there’s still a myth that you should be sore after every workout in order to get results…

Not only is this completely false, but it is very damaging to your body. Some people come from a bootcamp-style workout mentality and believe that unless they’re in pain, short of breath, exhausted, or near their breaking point that they’re not getting a great workout.

We need to change that way of thinking.

Don’t forget we’re trying to create a healthier, leaner, and more energetic body. Not beat the tar out of you. Yes, intense but a workout you can complete without being carried home……
Fortunately, the research backs me up and proves that excess cortisol created from too hard of a workout program (multiple weeks of soreness and fatigue) is bad for your health. Not only does it lower your immune system function, deplete your adrenal glands, and leave you exhausted, but it actually causes you to gain weight. You heard me………
Apparently too much of a good thing, isn’t such a good thing after all. But then again, if you insist on sacrificing form for more weight or to keep up with a friend, you can’t blame anyone but yourself. Don’t get me wrong – your workouts must be intense and you should be sweating… but there’s a point where you cross the line.

That’s right – overtraining leads to excessive muscle tissue breakdown and slows down your metabolism.

Now this doesn’t mean if you’re extremely sore one day that’s cause for you to take a day off –well maybe. Seriously, overtraining occurs after weeks and weeks of being sore and trying to do too much. Spending more than an hour in the gym may be pushing it. Four to five hours a week of exercise is optimal, any more could lead to overtraining.

Is resistance training a must for you if you want to speed up your metabolism and lose weight? Absolutely, no question. But we have to be smart about it and pick a program that works for you.

Remember train hard and train smart and success will follow!

A Great Program may consist of 3 resitance training days and 3 interval training days. Intervals do not have to be inside on a machine.

here’s an example.
30 seconds work 15-30 seconds rest 4 exercises done twice. that’s ONE TOTAL.
repeat 2 or 3 times or change the exercises for a great interval -total time 15-30 minutes.


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