Finding Balance….

Good grief – Can it be done? I don’t know about you, but I am having a hard time… I’m not sure what is going on with me right now – I seem to be all or nothing at the moment.  I killed myself for three weeks – got myself in great shape – took a bit of a break, and now can’t seem to get re-motivated…. I mean I do have a plan in place, I just can’t seem to stick to it… Maybe I’m burnt out, maybe I don’t want it bad enough, maybe I am just putting too much pressure on myself – who knows… The one thing I do know, is that life has been giving me a bit of a run for my money lately, and I am tired.  When one part of your life is out of balance, it makes it very difficult to have balance in other areas, but I am happy to report I am finally feeling like I am getting my focus back. 

 I know I’m not in awful shape right now, but with my loss of focus, my weight has starting to creep up again.... and yes, it is exhausting always thinking about it – a never ending battle with food, weight, working out, time for family, friends, myself – wait, what was the last one?  MYSELF….. ha – I may have just stumbled onto something here – maybe, my life feels so unmanageable, because I am putting myself last….  Ladies, why do we always put ourselves last – we are the glue after all – without us, our families would fall apart…. So maybe in order of importance – “WE” (meaning you and I) should be first….. who is going to be there to take care of our loved ones if we are not there to do it, and honestly, how much patience do you have when you feel resentful about not having any time for yourself?  NO ONE wants to be around me when I’m at that point, not even the cats  – I don’t know about you, but that is not how I want my family to see or to feel about me…. 

So, change of plan –  LeeAnne is moving to the head of the class –  I’ve just realized to find balance within myself, I need to find balance between my wants and needs. I do want to be healthy and fit – so yes, I need to make time for that, and I’m not talking about just hitting the gym…. boring…  I’m going to take this on the road – to the hills, rivers, beaches, and anywhere else I can get to. Time to take my vision board and make it a reality with kayaking, hiking, tennis, bicycling, horseback riding, etc. etc. etc. – all things that will give my body a physical and a mental workout – the mental being the enjoyment of it all, the feeling of being healthy, strong, happy, and dare I say, “alive” … I don’t know about you, but I am getting a little excited about the possibilities here…

Ok – so during the week – 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM my job has me, that’s just life for most of us, and yes it stinks, but during that 8 hour work day on my lunch break –  I get my workouts in.  Then home around 6:00, yada, yada, dinner … so – what I’ve found is after dinner  I can carve out some “me” time … and I’m not talking about just sitting in front of the TV…. NO TV ALLOWED! (I’m sorry to say, I am a huge TV bug – it is such a waste of time isn’t it? ) hmm – I could go to yoga, do some gardening, work on my blog, go for a walk, etc. Then 8:00 to 10:00 PM – relax with hubby….. Weekends: Saturday – house cleaning AM – Visit with granddaughter PM. Sunday – HA! That will be MY fun-day…NO house cleaning, NO working out, NO cooking – this will be my day to enjoy life and just do what I want to do. Now I understand that not everyone has the luxury of taking a full day to themselves, so take a minute and figure out where you can carve out some “you” time each day, or at least once a week to recharge your batteries!

As I’ve mentioned before – I am a planner.  Planning something I can look forward to each week will not only give me something to look forward to, but it will help me bring balance back into my life… now how fun is that!!


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