When it comes to weight loss – what is your reset button?

So you’ve all seen what can be done in 3 weeks, but to stay there – yikes!  Life, laziness – many, many things can get in the way – so yes, I have been able to get and to keep 15 lbs off for over a year, but it’s not like you lose it and it just stays off – which is why I say you always need a plan.

Being as strict as I was for  3 weeks got me to my goal, but it was also very intense and not something that can be done  for a long period of time – Like finding balance in your financial ,personal, and emotional life,  you also need to find balance in your fitness life. Once again, I’ve found myself indulging in a little too much ice cream – Sully’s is open again and I LOVE peanut butter cup ice cream – Not to mention a few too many dinners out over the last 4 weeks, my mom was here visiting, yes for 4 whole weeks, good grief, you get the picture…. Needless to say I have crept back up to my reset weight, OK – I’ve actually surpassed it – this number for me is the number on the scale that tells me it’s time to get back on track unless I want to see 147 again – which I never do.  So back to it – I have my food and fitness plan back in place. 

Food – I am only going to allow myself one, not two or three weeks off for a break.  I need to make sure I only go out for dinner once a week, not two or three – there is always bread, potato and at least 1 or 2 cocktails – I usually do make pretty good choices, but still – it all adds up.

Exercise- I did need a break after a year and a half, but I took it for too long – I was walking and doing Mark’s boot camp 2 times a week, which is great, but for the amount of calories I was consuming, it just wasn’t enough. You can not out train a bad diet – period, end of story… It is just the truth.

You can not just reach your goal and think you are going to stay there without doing the needful – I love that expression – which simply means to do what needs to be done…  So figure out what your reset button number is, make a plan, and get to it!!



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