Feeling Overwhelmed….

I certainly am…..

What to do, what to do…. Well as a Life Coach, I do know what to do, but like everyone else out there, I always seem to put myself last. At this point something needs to change and I know exactly what it is – one thing I know about myself is that I’m a planner, and right now, I don’t have a plan. 

So let’s create one …. First thing we need to do is get a little perspective on what is, or perhaps is not, going right in our life. We can do this by using the Wheel of Perspective below. The Wheel of Perspective is a great tool which help us regard situations, facts and judge their importance. It focuses on 6 areas of life that are deemed to be of high importance to us, and helps us take a look at the Professional, Spiritual, Emotional, and Financial areas of our life, as well as our Relationships and Wellness… So let’s take a minute to think about each area, and then rate them from 1-10, 1 being the worst and 10 the best. This give us a place to start. 


Below I have listed each area with what they means to me – they could mean something entirely different to you, and that’s ok.

1.  Professional – Is my job. What type of problem might I have in this area? Well, let say I was at risk of losing my job, or perhaps I’m working way too much – What type of plan could I come up with to feel like I have some control over these situation?

  • Potential loss of job – OK -If this was me, the first thing I might want to do is work on getting my resumes up to date, or start taking classes to build my credentials; oh and it might be a good idea to start getting my bills in check, paying things down, shifting things around, anything to ease some of the financial burdens I could face if I did lose my job. Having a plan of action in this situation is a great stress reliever.
  • Work too much … again – it’s all about planning… planning time for ourselves and taking our life back – all work and no play makes Jill a very dull girl or Jack a dull boy – schedule some “me” time to include workouts, family or some time to find that special someone to share life with …

2. Spiritual – this is a tough one, it could, and probably does mean something different to each person reading this, but for me it’s about who I am deep down in my soul – it’s about being a good person, being there for others, and being good to others. I believe that everyone who has been put on this earth has a purpose or a destiny. So what might cause an imbalance in a person’s spiritual self? I could be completely off base here, but if you are not fulfilling your life’s purpose or your destiny, it may cause you to feel depressed, unsatisfied, and unhappy; if you have wronged someone, you may feel guilt – If you’ve been wronged, you may feel pain. Many people in this world self medicate to help them push through the pain and unhappiness in their life, which could lead to some kind of substance abuse, or could cause you to overcompensation in another area of your life.  What type of plan could be put in place to help with this situation?  Perhaps a discussion with a physician, or a counselor who may be able to help you figure out what you want or need to be happy; or if needed, you may want to attend a AA or NA meeting. Knowing people who have been able to get their life back on track through these programs, I’m here to tell you that there is hope to find the joy and happiness in your life again.

3. Emotional–  being overwhelmed (ok – that one is a given), sad, stressed out, etc. Let say that you’re stressed out and can’t get your mind to slow down. Most of us have a million things going on, ok, maybe a million and one. So, how can you learn to relax? You could try taking a yoga or meditation class – something that may help you learn to slow your mind down and focus. You could go for a walk or go to the gym to help clear your mind and get that endorphin rush going (nothing like it, trust me).  A time management class is a great way to help get organized – and that in itself is a HUGE stress reliever. Or you could go to a spa for a manicure and/or pedicure, or even better, a massage – heaven right! There are many things that can be done – it’s just about finding what works for you.

4. Relationships – Family, friends, significant others, business associates. What happens when people don’t feel appreciated, ignored, or taken advantage of? Resentment, arguments, etc, etc and etc! To stay connected you may want to plan a weekly date night with your spouse, or spend some quality time with your  family by planning a family night to play games or go mini golfing – whatever your family’s thing is. By planning time to be with those who love you, something good has to happen – right? Or to the other extreme, what if you’re not in a relationship and want to be.. it may be that you work too much, perhaps it is easier for you to bury yourself in work than putting yourself “out there” where there is judgment and rejection. You may be completely overwhelmed with other areas of your life and don’t feel you have the time or energy to pursue a relationship. These are all things that will jump out at you after you finish this exercise, and are all things that can be fixed.

5. Finance–  Income vs. debt … The issue – you spend more than you make – really who doesn’t. How many of us have some kind of debt on a credit card – I know I do. This is one of those things that keeps people up at night, causes fights, and divorce. So what can you do? – first you can take a serious look at where your money goes, check out different books on how to set up budgets – Suzanne Orman has some great books out there, get serious about what you can and can’t afford. Go to a financial planner if you need to. Like Ice Cube says “…chickitycheck yo self before you wreck yo self”

6. Wellness – Ah yes, I’ve saved the best for last… Why, because this is where I personally feel I’m at 9 out of 10. There is a subset on the above wheel that shows Nutrition, Hydration, Supplements, Exercise, Diet, and Well-being – all the areas our body needs to be fit and healthy.  I eat right, stay physically fit, take my vitamins, get my water in… For me Health and Fitness is my number one priority. Why? because with out our health – what else matters. This is my niche, so if this is an area you’d like some help – contact me. I am happy to spend some time with you to see if my services are a fit for you.

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