Do you feel like you just have too much weight to lose? Does it feel like an impossible task? Do you feel like it will just take too long? That there is not enough time before summer so why bother?? Does the thought of all the work and effort needed make you feel defeated before […]
Putting yourself first
How many of us really put ourselves first? As women it seems to be in our DNA to take care of others before ourselves, and most of us run ourselves into the ground doing it. Why? Because we don’t take the time to recharge our batteries. We all need down time, time to take a […]
Week 7 and 8 – the results are in!!
Hello, hello!! I cannot believe how quickly that went by – wow – 8 weeks. So how did I do? I think I did pretty well… Weight – start 138 / now 134.6 down 3.4 lbs Waist – start 28 / now 26.5 down 1.5 low waist – start 31 / now 30 – down […]
To journal or not to journal??
Journal of course… How can you make changes or move forward if you don’t know what you’ve done or more so… what you have eaten?? Yikes!!! I’ve kept journals for a while now and find them extremely helpful in my health and fitness journey, especially when I feel the need to make some changes. I could be going […]
Joyful, Joyful….
Wow – do I feel great!!! Why?? I’ll tell you why… Letting go! Feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders…. Sometimes we depend on other people or things to give us validation. To make us feel important or loved, but in reality as my lovely friend Sheila Viers pointed out to me, […]