Breaking 140 lbs – Week 4 – Stuck in the Mud!

stuck in mudNo progress this week…. Honestly my body HATES me…. My whole lower body is in spasms. My Upper and lower glutes, my hamstrings, quads and calves….. I think I have an IT Band situation… The IT Band is a long fascia (tendon) that runs on the outer side of our thighs from the side of the pelvis to the knee. It works with other leg and hip muscles as well as fasciae to keep your leg and feet in alignment when you move.

Because my body hurts my sleep has been off, I’ve been craving junk – and giving into those cravings. I did go to the chiropractor and my lower back was completely out of whack. Getting adjusted was heaven, but it’s the muscle that are killing me, and what is pulling my body out of alignment. Dr. Tays, who I LOVE, suggested foam rolling my hip flexors along with my IT band, and to continue with my stretching and hot epsom salt baths each night…..

A few interesting facts…. if your IT band is tight it can cause your pelvis to twist causing some tightness in the lower back. If your hip flexors are tight they can cause pulling and inflaming of spinal nerves causing the local back pain and lower leg pain – this is what is happening to me.

Walking the dogs 2-3 miles a day, plus cardio kick boxing which includes sprinting drills is not helping, but the dogs need to walk….. As far as kick boxing goes… tonight I’m going to take my own advice on how to work through an injury 😉 and pass on it.

I am definitely getting stronger. I can finally see my arm definition starting to come back, my lower body feels firmer and my pants feel looser. I know the key for me this week is going to be my food. I just can’t push my body anymore. My biggest obstacle will be staying away from Sulley’s and my new favorite Ice Cream Coffee Almond Fudge…. Wish me luck!!!

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