Breaking 140 lbs – week 2

tortise and hareWhoot! Down another 1/2 lb and 1/2 inch on my hips!!!

Food – still too much pizza and ice cream 😉 But have been walking 3 miles every morning with dogs, cardio kickboxing twice a week and stretching every morning. Lunch time yoga is out. I’m just not doing it and I don’t want to beat myself up about it. So the question then becomes what will I do?? I’d like to add a leg workout in a couple times a week. This is where my body needs the most work… My upper body comes back in a flash, the cellulite on my thighs likes to hang around and haunt me for a while… For now I will commit to once a week – I think Sunday mornings will work for me after I walk the dogs….

I am so a morning person – anything I try to do at night eats at me all day and then when I’m feeling too tired to do it – guilt…. Umm I don’t know about you but I don’t want to feel bad about something that isn’t life or death ya know.

So for now like the tortoise – slow and steady for me – tired of killing myself and tired of beating myself up. I know what to do – just done with the extreme method of getting there.. Slow and steady is much more relaxing and actually will stick.

Hope you all have a great week and remember – get your plan together and work it 😉

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