Contemplations from Costa Rica….

As I sit here at the beautiful Anamaya Resort in Costa Rica at 5:30 a.m. I had a realization …. I realized that every sunrise is different, just like everyday is different. Today sunrise may not have been as spectacular as yesterday, maybe we feel it wasn’t worth making the effort to show up for, when in fact, if you close your eyes, listen and breath, you may be able to find gratitude for the opportunity of choice. Choice to to see the beauty in this particular sunrise, choice to find the beauty in this particular day, choice to have a different perspective in life, choice to shake things up a little, choice to chose a different paths – a path that may excite and energize you. Choice to start living your best life whatever that means to you. For me – today, it’s sitting in Costa Rica watching the sun rise, listening to nature, feeling inspired to continue to dream and live this amazing life that I have created for myself – Namaste
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