6 Week Countdown to Beach Blanket Bingo!

Here I am just wrapping up my last 8 week blog series on “Breaking 140” and starting my 6 week blog series – “Beach Blanket Bingo”. This will give me to July 4th to get my bikini body back – oy vay – remember these??great abs yup – those WERE mine a few years back… I think I still have them somewhere 😉

Are you bored yet?? Sorry, but this is a daily battle, one that your in for a life time…. But it doen’t have to be a bad thing. This is how I live my life – each week I plan my meals/workouts and time for me. People this is simple, simple stuff – but it sure as heck isn’t easy. What do I mean by that?? Well, if you think about it – doesn’t it seems overly simplistic to sit down – plan your food, make a shopping list and then make go to the market and pick up those items? How many of us actually do it? This is where those crazy info-mercials get you. They make it look soooo easy with the meal plans, the workout tapes, and oh, don’t forget all the little extras they throw in – promising you amazing results in just 6 weeks…. but guess what – you still have to show up and do the work. Trust me – making 4 easy payments of just $19.99 is not going to make it easier for you to show up and do the work if you don’t really want to.live streaming film Before I Fall 2017 online

The only thing between people who are in shape, and people who aren’t in shape is one thing… Action. Doing not wishing. I’m not trying to be insulting here but nothing worth having in life is easy. If you want to lose weight, if you want better mental and physical health, if you want your life to be easier – you have to do some planning and you have to follow through… Planning + Consistency = Success. Honestly, the more you “Do” – the easier it becomes… This has become second nature to me – in the begining I fought it tooth and nail. It was hard, it was painful and I really, really just didn’t want to do it. Fortunatly for me I spent an arm and leg to join a 6 week program with a forum that kept me accountable. This forum had other women who wanted the same thing I did – all of us pissing and moaning, but guess what? We did it. Each of us found a way to re-train our brain to do what we needed to reach our personal health and fitness goals.

If you are having a hard time the best advice I can offer is to find some support. Do this with some friends, become accountable. My last blog series talked about progress not perfection… Any progress you make IS progress – Take it, own it and celebrate it. My all time favorite quote is by Earl Nightingle … Don’t let the fear of time it will take to accomplish something stand in your way of doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might as well put that passing time to the best possible use…. If I had not taken “Action” at the begining of this year I would still be 150 lbs, but instead I’m down 7 lbs and 12 inches closer to my summer fitness goals… It is not too late to start now, if you don’t – guess where you’ll be in September?? Right where you are today.

Ok – so here we go again… Here are my starting stats:

Weight 142.6
Neck 12
Chest 33
Waist 26.5
Low Waist 31
Hips 37
Thigh 23
Calf 15

Hoping to find a camera so I can getcha a before and after picture 😉 Yikes!!!

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