Breaking 140 lbs week 8 – Progress not Perfection…

Looking back over the last two months I feel like I’ve talked a lot of smack about what I was going to do to reach my goal of 140 lbs…. the truth of the matter is I meant it when I said it, but my follow through kinda sucked. Ok – I suppose I should remind myself that I did have to work through some pain and some sickness, and put down the bat – which feels like a cop-out to me, but life on life’s terms – right?

One of the things I’ve learned over the last few years is that I can spend all the time and energy in the world putting together a great plan and have it fall to crap in seconds, because life happens…. and when life happens, I have to pick myself up and continue to move forward. For me, and maybe for you, the easiest thing to do is give up, moving forward is hard. I love the saying “Progress not Perfection” – Any progress you make towards your goal IS progress – period end of story. Take it, own it and celebrate it.

Here is where I’m at today ….streaming The Bye Bye Man film

march 28

Weight 142.6
Neck 12
Chest 33
Waist 26.5
Low Waist 31
Hips 37
Thigh 23
Calf 15

So over the last 8 weeks I’ve dropped about 2 pounds and 3.5 inches – although I am not in bikini shape I have made some progress towards being there. Valerie Waters use to say – you should never let yourself get so out of shape that you can’t get back to your ideal shape within a 6 week period. Over the last few years I have been able to stay within that 6 week window – however – at the beginning of this year I was my heaviest weight yet – 150 lbs-Oy! So I’m happy to report that since Jan 1 2014 I’ve dropped 7 lbs and 12 inches. Again – Progress – which I’m taking, owning and celerbrating – whoot!

The Next 6 weeks will be dedicated to getting my bikini body back with a little Beach Blanket Bingo 😉

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