Breaking 140 lbs week 6 and 7 – Yo-yo-yo-can’t out train a bad diet

yoyoOne of the greatest minds of our time stated that the definition of insanity is “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein

Still eating ice cream nightly, MM’s in the afternoon and wondering why I’m not losing – INSANE!

Over the last 3 weeks I have not been able to hit a kick box class on Tuesday night due to family commitments, which let’s face it, should be considered more important…. May is a busy, busy month – birthdays, mother’s day, Cinco De Mayo ;-), Memorial day weekend cookouts, Anniversaries, Graduation parties…. Oy Vay!

I saw 144.8 this morning… a little up from last week so just under 5 lbs to break 140…. Including today I have 14 days to hit my goal which is 2 weeks – this means approx 2 lbs a week or a 7000 calories deficit each week – Ouch!…. Because I’ve been doing this for a while, I understand that this needs to be done by combining food and exercise…. I will needs to bring my food calories down to about 1200 (no more nightly ice creams boo 🙁 ) and increase my cardio calorie burn – which I broke down to look like this:

– 3 mile walk with dog – 200 x 7 = 1400 (Mon – Sun)
– Cardio kick box – 400 x2 = 800 (Tues night / Sat AM)
– 30 min Treadmill hike 250 x 5 = 1250 (Mon, Wed, Thur, Friday noon – Sunday)

That gets me to about 3500

Food-wise – my BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate) is calculated manually: BMR = 655 + (9.6 X wt in kg) + (1.8 X ht in cm) – (4.7 X age in years) so for me – 655+ (9.6 x 145) + (1.8 x 5.5) – (4.7 x 52) / 655+1392+9.9-244.4 = 1812………1812 calories a day will keeps me at my current weight. If I stay around 1200 that is 612 less than I need to maintain. If I multiply 612 by 7 that give me a calorie deficit of 4300 cal – over 1 lb… when I say you can’t out train a bad diet – I mean it girl! The above will get me the results I’m looking for as far as weight loss – so here is what my menu will look like:

Breakfast: 1/2 squeezed lemon in warm water – then one apple cooked in cinnamon with 1/4 cup of oatmeal, blue berries and sliced almonds (300 cal).

Mid am snack: 1 cup of white tea, 4 asparagus spears cooked with 1/4 cup of eggs whites (100 cal.)

Lunch: 1 cup of quinoa pasta, 2 cups of salad with carrots, red cabbage, broccoli, celery, tomato, cucumber, 1 tbsp of chia seed, 5 jumbo shrimp, and organic vinegar. (350 cal)

PM snack: 1 scoop of whey protein in almond milk. (150 cal.)

Dinner: 4 oz of lean protein, Healthy carb, veggies and salad. (400 cal.)

1300 Calories…..

Oh and 80-100 oz of water

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