Breaking 140 lbs!!!!

kickboxHa – pretty much for the same reasons as my Breaking 150 blog!

Summer is coming and my spring wardrobe is ummmm not fitting 🙁

So again, what am I willing to do to up the ante….I’m joining cardio kickboxing in Billerica ma! My boy Mike is teaching on Tuesday nights 7:15-8:15 and totally kicks my A$$… I’m also going to do saturday mornings at 8 AM – I actually get to kick and punch things – sooooo fun. They have a free trial class so you can check it out – you just have to call and book the date and time that works for you.

Next I am committing to doing a yoga flow 3 times a week to keep my body limber – this getting old thing is starting to bite, if you know what I’m saying… breathing and stretching feels amazing.

Lastly I’m committing to two full body strength training sessions – the more muscle you have the more fat your body will burn. These will be more like metabolic sessions to burn and build… Here is the one I’m going to use – of course I can probably only get through this Turkey day workout one time at first. This was created by Mark – his outdoor boot camp is also starting soon check him out at

To keep me accountable – again – here is my current weight and measurements:

march 28

So from Jan 1 I’m down 3.2 lbs as of today and 7.5 inches….. which again says to me “SCREW” the scale 😉 oooh and the video!

Come join in the fun!!!

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