Attract what you love into your life –

With a vision board…

The purpose of a vision board is to activate the law of attraction which begins to pull things from the external environment that will enable you to achieve your goals and dreams.


Why a Vision Board Works: The Science behind it

In your brain there is an area called the Reticular Activating System (RAS) which is responsible for filtering all incoming information that your brain receives and information that we have tagged as important.

The process of creating a Vision Board is one of the best ways to program the RAS to pick up on things in your environment that have to do with your goals and your vision.

The selective filter makes you aware daily of things that can help you achieve your goals.

It is your job to take advantage of these opportunities when they present themselves.


What elements should be included in your vision board?

  • Visual – Your subconscious mind works in pictures and images – so make your vision board as visual as possible and with as many pictures as possible. You can supplement your pictures with words and phrases to increase the emotional response you get from it.
  •  Emotional – Each picture should evoke a positive emotional response from you. The mere sight of your vision board should make you happy and fuel your passion to achieve your goals every time you look at it.
  •  Strategically  – Place it in a location that gives it maximum exposure. You want to constantly expose your subconscious to it.
  •  Personal – Negative feelings, self-doubt and criticism can damage the energy of your vision board so if you are self-conscious about it, put it somewhere only you can see it.


Putting it all together –

  1. Compile your pictures – Any picture that speak to you put aside in a folder or box until you are ready to begin.
  2. Sort and Cut –  Look through your pile of pictures and pick the ones that impact you the most emotionally.
  3.  Strategic Position – what I did is put things in categories – you will see on my board below they are Lean and Sexy, Live, Relaxation, Family, Strength, Friendship and Success. The funny thing is these were all things I was desiring and didn’t even know it – the pictures came first and the wording came second.
  4.  Arrange and Glue.


Update your vision board as needed. It has to inspire you. You might find some things on your vision board that don’t carry as much emotional impact as they did before. When this happens you want to update it with fresh new images that do inspire you. Which is exactly why I changed my vision board below – some things I’d accomplished and other things weren’t as inspiring to me as they use to be.

Right now I’m revamping my Body Transformation 101: Unlocking the Secret to Success program – where I will share why I became a believer – and trust me the first time this was mentioned to me I thought it was a little kooky…  In the meantime – I’d love for you to share what you’ve come up with for your vision board. xo

Oh and double-click to enlarge photos. First one is the new one the second one is my first one –

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