Turkey Day workout #2 – mark1fitness.com


Step ups 15 each leg
RDL 15
Split Jacks 30 secs
SB Leg Curl or Bridges 20 reps
Inchworms 10 reps
Squat Drops 30 secs
Do circuit 2-3 times

Bentover Rows 15 or Chinups MAX
Bicep curls –DB or Tube 15 reps
Half Jacks 30 secs
Anterior Reach with MB press 12 each leg
Crossover step 12 each leg
MB Pile drivers 30secs
Do circuit 2-3 times

Cardio Circuit
Split Jacks 30 secs
Squat Drops 30 secs
Half Jacks 30 secs
MB Pile drivers 30secs
Do circuit 1-2 times

Notes: rest little between exercises (5-30secs). Try to move quickly from 1 to the next, don’t rush with sloppy form. Rest a full minute between circuits. Finish the entire Circuit before moving on to the next circuit.

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