Guest Post – Field of (Fitness) Dreams – MarkOne Fitness

Just read this and had to share – LOVE it!!

Field of (Fitness) Dreams!

How many of us have seen Field of Dreams? If not, you better rent it. If you’ve seen it, who can forget that line, the Voice saying, “If you build it, he will come.” It’s a great line from a fantastic movie. I was just watching it on TV, and it got me thinking.  I know dangerous…. There were many messages and life lessons in this movie. I think of believing and visualization.

How does this relate to Fitness? If you think about fitness and body transformation, believing and visualizing become important factors once you set your goals.
Visualizing what you want in life and keeping that picture in your mind can do wonders and keep you on track and keep you going. This can be done in the form of writing what you want down and putting it in as many places as possible. Writing down what you hope to achieve and reading it throughout the day as a reminder will help keep your goals as a top priority in your life. Setting a date for a certain goal is also very helpful. Deciding you want to reach a weight by a certain date written on your calendar can act as a very powerful prompt to stay motivated. Keeping a journal also works great as an incentive. Seeing incremental improvements, whether it’s in improved time, increased reps, or greater frequency of workouts, can boost your exercise motivation, seeing how clean you’ve been eating can also help. The process of seeing on paper that you are improving can only help your desire increase. Witnessing your own improvement through diet and a workout routine will not only increase your motivation to exercise but enhance your life and help you develop yourself into the best person you can be, and deserve to be!
You truly have to believe it to achieve it! Believe in yourself and realize that you can make a difference and then set out to achieve it. I believe whether you realize it or not, you have achieved exactly what you have believed was possible. If you don’t believe you can achieve a goal, then what do you think your chances are of reaching that goal?
All great feats and success stories begin from a single idea. It’s not just a magic wand waved over you, it takes work. Once you get that focus and create that idea that you can lose weight and transform your body, you know it is possible to reach that goal. Sometimes what may be lacking is your belief in yourself. Do you believe that you have the qualities that it takes to succeed? Qualities like determination and commitment are required to lose weight and getting in better shape.
Now you’re going to be tested. Self-doubt can mess with your motivation and keep you from reaching your goals. One thing to always keep in mind, you have to be realistic. One of the biggest reasons for failure is that people often set unrealistic goals. You may need to start with goals that are easily achievable and then move on to the next level. Yes if you’re a beginner or someone who’s starting up after a long lay-off, you may have to take baby-steps. Since the mind plays such a big role in the success of any fitness program, sometimes you need to coax it along with small victories to keep it geared for greater success.
Believing in yourself starts with a clear understanding of what you want and your ability to achieve it. Keep this in mind, PLANNING is key, you imagine something for yourself and then plan a means of reaching that goal. Having a fitness or weight loss goal are great examples of goals we often desire. A problem some of us run into is our past experiences, don’t let this hinder you. It may be something you tried years ago, forget it. Your goal now is not to win a trophy or make the cheerleading squad — you want to exercise to stay healthy, reach your desired goals and enjoy your life.
You can’t let past experiences hold you back from going after a goal that you want to achieve. Keep believing, visualize what you want, and you’ll be on your way to achieving it.
“If you build it, he will come.”
Keep Training!! MH

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