My goals for this week…. to lose 1 lb by Saturday 2/19/11, to hit the gym 5 days (M-F Lunch time) Monday Val 600’s (100 VS R. Lunge Rt leg, 100 Left leg, 100 VS side lunge Rt Leg, 100 left leg, 100 VS Curtsy lunges right leg, 100 left leg), Wed and Friday – home-brew, Tues and Thurs Cardio (1-1 walk run and treadmill hike from the top down total 40min), and Zumba on Saturday, to completely avoid the vending machine and to continue to eat fairly clean… Also – still plan to get up and do a 20 min active meditation on the elliptical and hopefully – Denise Austin Abs each night after dinner….
This past week was decent what could I have done better: my food was not great – there was an over indulgence of some coffee cake and some super yummy coffee chip frozen yogurt…. what did I do right – exercises 5 for 5 and did hit 7.0 in one of my 1 min sprints !! How do I feel? Happy that I hit my workout commitment, which I found difficult, but did it anyway.. forgot how hard that is to do
– and a tad disappointed that I went a little overboard with the food….
Oh and sorry if there are any typo’s didn’t get a chance to run this by my proof reader 😉
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