FYI – Taking time for me –

As some of you may or may not know – I’ve decided to take myself completely off twitter and facebook.  It was taking up too much of my time and energy.  Honestly – I would probably pop in and out about 50 times a day to see what was going on and a bunch more times at night. Most of time there wasn’t that much of a change – which I would find a bit of a letdown.  Is this normal or is it just me? 

Regardless – it was just becoming too much of a time drain, so I deactivated all of my accounts,  and wow – I instantly felt a huge weight lifted from my shoulders, as well as a the feeling of  “now what am going to do with myself?”,  because I suddenly had all this time on my hands.  Umm perhaps pick up a book again, get some work done, have conversations with people “live” – the art of making small talk is not easy is it? Oh and you can’t offend someone face to face unless you mean to.  Which honestly most of us don’t want to do. Ok, maybe sometimes we do, but don’t because we don’t want to see the hurt on that persons face. 

Today I’m feeling pretty content with my new-found freedom from the internet. I am still going to do my blog and read blogs that interest me, which I finally have time to do – and of course am always here for my home girls on email if they need anything at all – – you know who you are 😉

If you are feeling overwhelmed – STOP – and write down what you are doing with your time to see if you have a time drain.  Is it something you can walk away from for a while – it could be the internet, the TV, gabbing on the phone. You don’t have to stop completely, but you could set times for these activities and only do them during that time slot – unless you’re like me – I’m kinda an all or nothing girl, but I know this about myself.


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