8 Tips for getting Fit! Week 2 – Planning

Hello, Hello!!

OK – How’d ya do with the water challenge?? I’m about half way to where I want to be, about 30 – 40 oz a day, but progress not perfection right! Once you master your water intake it’s time to move onto food. Planning your meals can actually alleviate A LOT of stress in your life. Why? Because now you don’t have to worry about what you’re going to make for breakfast, lunch or more importantly dinner. I don’t know about you, but I find that extremely painful.

So here is what I do and trust me, it works. Remember these are all step I took to get me in my best shape ever… small changes will get you to your goal without too much pain.

Below is a copy of the form that is in my Health and Fitness Journal. Each Saturday I think about my meals for the following week. I am a creature of habit so this is easy for me… I don’t switch things up too much, but you can be as creative as you want with this or not.

On Monday I always look forward to my homemade chicken tenders. I’ve decided I want to have green beans and salad with them this week. So you will see on my shopping list – Chicken, bread crumbs, egg whites and milk if I don’t have them for the batter, green beans and then all the veggies I like in my salad

The great news ….. I don’t have to think about my meals again for the entire week because I now have everything I need on hand to make all those meals….. Plus if I decide I don’t want Chicken on Monday, but really want a Hamburg – I still have what I need to make that meal – WIN / WIN!

( click to enlarge / backspace to return to blog)





If you like a free copy of this journal click HERE.  If you’d like to set up a pitch free call with me to learn how to use it – click YES! for pitch free call and I will contact you to set up time.

Hugs and Health –


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