If you really want to lose weight…..

Ok – somebody put a bee in my bounette this morning – so here is the deal – do you want it or not? Think about it – if you don’t then don’t waste my time or yours, if you do I’m going to give you 2 very simple things to do. However, they are not easy – ready? Plan and consistently follow that plan. That’s it – if you do those two things I PROMISE you will lose weight, and I’m going to give you the information below in the hyper-links on what to plan – so now all you have to do really – is consistently follow it. Try it for 1 week – all you have to lose is a little exerted energy and maybe some weight.

The very first thing I want you to do, and honestly this is number one, is to increase your Water consumption. Try to consume at least half your body weight in oz in water per day. If you can – the first 8 oz should be with lemon and the first thing you put in your body in the morning -Easy right?

Second – Plan. You need to create a plan that you will follow. Don’t get all crazy here this should take you no more than 30 minutes.

– Plan your meals. Food will get you 80% – 90% of your results. I want you to plan 5 small meals a day -breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. I want you to look at your portions – this is huge. Many of us each the right foods, but eat way too much of them.
– Plan your exercise. If you are a couch potato – please just move. Start walking 15 mins a day, try to get your heart rate up a little. If you already exercise, you know what to do and I promise none of us including me like it …. work a little harder. This may mean adding 15 mins x-tra to your cardio.
– Plan time for yourself. Stress and lack of Sleep are two of the top reasons we can’t lose weight even if we are doing the two things above.

If you do this for one week consistently – meaning day in and out for 7 days including the weekend and you don’t lose a pound, an inch or feel better – I will eat my hat.

If you have questions – leave them here under comments (referring to the above title so I don’t think its spam or email me) at mybt101@gmail.com

Much Love, LeeAnne.

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