Snap out of it – Life is Good!

life is goodThis is going to be MY year – I can feel it… But letting go of old negative thoughts, beliefs and feelings could be a challenge. You know those crazy tapes that have been playing over and over again in our head since childhood.

So – I ran across this page called “12 THINGS HAPPY PEOPLE do differently – by Marc….

1. Express Gratitude – When you appreciate what you have – what you have appreciates in value….. (I Love this don’t you?)

2. Cultivate Optimisn – People that think optimistically see the world as a place packed with endless opportunities – how exciting!!

3. Avoid Over thinking and social comparision – The ONLY person you should be compared to is yourself before now.

4. Practice Kindness – Selflessly helping someone is a super powerful way to feel good inside – this I agree with 100%, you must try it!

5. Nuture Social Relationships – The happiest people on the planet are the ones who have deep meaningful relationships…. This is my #1 goal for the year, not that any of you would believe it, but I am a tad shy in person – so it’s very hard for me to build these types of relationships.

6. Develop strategies for coping – It helps to have HEALTHY strategies (not food, not Alcohol, not drugs) for coping – pre rehersed, on call and in your arsenal.

7. Learn to forgive – Harboring feeling of hatred is horrible for your well-being… Ugh goal #2 for me – I hate to admit it but when my feelings get hurt I am a bit of a grudge holder.

8. Increase flow experiences – Flow is a state in which it feels like time is standing still, it’s when you are so focused on what you are doing you become one with it – nothing can distract you from what you or compete with your focus – I call this living in the moment.

9. Savor Life’s Joys – Deep down happiness can not just exist without joy – I will be starting a gratitude journal tonight and will write in it each night.

10. Commit to your goals – Magic things start happening when we commit ourselves to doing whatever it takes to get somewhere. I have some big goals for this year – bucket list time people.

11. Practice Spirituality – when we practice spirituality we recognize that life is bigger than us.

12. Take care of your body – This is crucial to being the happiest person you can be….

Wow – I feel super inspired and energized after writing this post – I hope you feel the same after reading it. Go down the list and set your own goals for 2013 to be your happiest self in 2013.

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