Portion Control

Now that you have your water and food in check it’s time to look at your portions – – Too much of a good thing is not necessarily a good thing. Here is why – over eating can cause lots of digestion problems which can lead to even bigger problems like obesity.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

If you eat more calories than your body can use as fuel the rest may be stored as fat.  Hmmm – could that be the ugly cellulite hanging around on my thighs??

In the last two decades obesity has become an epidemic in America. The truth of the matter is that we are just eating a lot more than we used to. It is interesting to note that the size of plate we eat on is larger than it was twenty or thirty years ago. And we have come to expect everything to be available in a super size. Our restaurants are super sizing everything and in the meantime super sizing us too! So here are some suggestions:

  • Protein portion – Beef (3 oz), Poultry (4 oz), Fish (5 oz)
  • Non-Starchy or raw vegetables – unlimited
  • Fruit – can be high in sugar so try to limit it to 2 to 3 servings a day
  • Carbohydrates – ½ Cup
  • Nuts – about 12
  • Fats – 1 TBSP Oil, ¼ Avocado, 1 pat of butter

The basic rule of thumb is ½ of your plate filled with fruits and vegetables, ¼ of your plate filled with lean protein and ¼ of your plate filled with complex carbs.

Point of Interest: 1 cup of vegetables is about 35 to 50 calories, 1 cup of rice or pasta is about 250 to 300 calories – your choice.

Oh and by the way – I am not a nutritionist, but this is what has worked for me and many of my clients.






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