Week 1 – Water

Here is my first tip people….. I’ll be back with a video Saturday with more detail!

How much water do YOU drink a day? The goal is ½ your body weight –Yikes! That could seem like a lot if right now your water consumption is zero.

To get started take it slow – 8 oz in the morning and 8 in the afternoon – then move up to 16, etc. before you know it you will be where you need to be. If you are 160 lb woman your goal is 80 oz a day or 10 – 8 oz cups a day – no problem!

Here is why water is so important for you:

  • It increases your metabolism
  • Boosts your energy
  • Plumps your skin which makes you look younger
  • Suppresses your appetite
  • And releases the storage of water in your body – That’s right, the more you drink the less you store…
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