All this hard work and no results – WTH??

Ugh – how many of you feel like you’ve busted your butt all week by eating super clean and hit all your workouts to find NO movement on the scale or tape measure!

That was me this week – I ate 90 – 100% clean got on the scale and did NOT see the results I was looking for – so I took out the tape measure and nothing! Wow – if that isn’t enough to throw a person into a chocolate binge I don’t know what is! Am I feeling discouraged? – yup, and I’m having a little pity party for myself? You bet…. Is that going to get me anywhere?? ugh – no…

OK – so let’s take a look back at my week and break it down…. Did I really eat as good and work as hard as I thought I did?? The reality of it all may be no and this is why – first we are talking about 5 days M-F only… last night I did indulge in an ice cream and the night before I did eat a little heavier than I wanted with some mac and cheese – a healthier version, but still – I did overeat a tad….

Let’s take a look at my workouts …

  1. Walked dog 3 days for 40 min.
  2. C25K with Dog 1 day for about 40 mins.
  3. Lunch time workouts M-W-F for about 20 min
  4. 1 boot camp Wed am –

Now sleep and self care…

  1. With dog still getting up about 1 time a night to take her out – so not even a full 6 hours straight through a night
  2. Allergies or a cold is killing me this week, not sure which.
  3. Dealt and cleaned up a lot of personal family drama this week – and feel exhausted from it.
  4. Dealt and cleaned up an issue with a 3rd party that was helping me with my website and completely blew me off – super frustrating!
  5. Rained all week which messes with my sunny disposition 😉
  6. OK – I didn’t do anything for myself to recharge my batteries, not even a nice warm bath.

I guess if I look at it this way – what the heck did I expect?? It felt like I was working harder than I actually was because I am exhausted… and helloooo… it has ONLY been 5 days!

Next Steps:

  1. Give myself a break and try to get some real rest this weekend!
  2. Food was good this past week – don’t go crazy this weekend – and do the same next week.
  3. Workouts – again, because I am in decent shape I need to pick things up – my lunch time workouts are not as intense as they need to be because I am helping a few ladies do workouts at the gym, which means I’m not pushing myself to my full potential. Walking the dog does not really count as a workout, running with the dog does – I need at least 2 days of C25K with the dog, and will join Mark’s boot camp two mornings a week on my non-running days.

Just because I did the work for 5 days and didn’t get the results I wanted does not give me permission to quit – it just means I need to re-evaluate what I am doing and make adjustments where necessary.

So honestly – did you do what you needed to do to get the results you wanted last week? If not, what small adjustments can you make in the upcoming week?  I’d love to hear about them…

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