Just Be….

So here are my words of wisdom for today

Just Be….

Take a minute and just be…. don’t think, don’t feel – just sit down, close your eyes for a minute and be with yourself…. It feels fantastic… HA – Must be all the yoga I’ve been taking lately…What is it that you want out of life? I am at a huge cross-road right now…. I have been going, going, going, doing, doing, doing – until… well I ended up where I am today – very stressed.

Unless you have a wedding, a vacation, or some big event coming up – there is no reason to kill yourself working out – it is exhausting. So for today – just be – and think about what it is you want for yourself…. If it is to lose weight – why do you want that? Is it to be healthy? Is it to feel good about you for yourself, or is it for the acceptance of others? The essence of who you are is what people love about you, and all of you lovely ladies that I’ve had the great fortune of meeting – I love – each of you have your own special gifts – NONE of which has to do with your physical appearance. If that is what you want then do it for you and not for any other reason… We all need to love and accept ourselves where we are today – and remember … progress not perfection – it is too dam hard to try to be perfect day in and out….

In a recent yoga class  as we lay there with our eyes closed – I heard the woman say “love your dark side”…. we all have one so why beat ourselves up about it – embrace it.  Here is the great part – we can change if we want to…. right? Me and my dark side have had some good times in the past – not always morally correct, but hey things happen and we just have to move on from them.

I’d love for you to tell me why you workout? I know I’ve said this before, but for me it was the 20 extra lbs I was carrying around, feeling sluggish, not wanting to buy the next size up – not feeling attractive, etc… Thanks to Ms. Waters I was able to finally take charge of my body through her Red Carpet Ready Forum and because I decided I had enough….

Today – I workout because it’s good for my body, mind and spirit – but I do it at my own pace. For today – I need to just be and think about what I want moving forward, physically, mentally and spiritually….




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